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  • How do Sales Agencies choose the lines they carry?

    • Some of the questions a potential Agency will ask include: Can we sell this to our customer base? Do we have room in our package to give the proper attention? Is the catalog easy for our associates and customers to work with? Is there re-order potential? Does the company understand how the industry works? Is there growth potential with the line?

  • What does a Sales Agency expect from the company?

    • All Sales Associates expect the company to keep them informed of availability, to participate in their shows, to ship promptly and to pay commissions on time.

  • How do commissions work?

    • Accepted rates in the industry are 15-20%. This is based on "wholesale" orders and without discounts and special deals. When changes are made from the price list and terms, the rep and the company may share in the discount when authorized by the company.

  • How do I handle samples?

    • Samples are a very necessary expense. A minimum amount of road samples for the reps are always sent no charge. Showroom and trade show samples are usually "memo billed" meaning you account for them but do not charge the reps. Some trade show samples are billed at 50% of wholesale and the reps sell the samples for you.

  • What can I expect from shows?

    • Trade shows are our life blood. While we enjoy making sales at shows, it is an opportunity to work with, motivate and train the reps. Networking with visiting reps is also done at shows. Customers may not place orders but the visual attention to the products for future reference can only be done at shows. Most reps ask for participation money to offset the high cost of refreshments advertising and show space. Shows are expensive but necessary and worthwhile in the overall picture.

  • What promotions can I offer?

    • The easiest promotion to customers is free freight, free displays and minimum discounts for first orders. Guaranteed sales work well also. At shows, reps like cash spiffs to encourage sales. All promotions are fully optional.


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